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It’s about the Five Pillars of Excellence
National Park experiences tremendous growth since joining Capella Healthcare family
Since joining the Capella Healthcare family in 2008, National Park Medical Center in Hot Springs, AR, has experienced tremendous growth. And they’re currently undergoing a $25+ million 67,000-square-foot expansion project that will create a standalone heart and vascular center of excellence and significantly expand the emergency department.
This certainly isn’t the hospital’s first major investment since joining Capella in 2008. Whether it’s being first in the state to offer Airstrip OB – allowing obstetricians to check the progress of their patients, anytime, from anywhere – or first in the region to provide the newest advanced endoscopic surgery for lung cancer (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical lobectomy), National Park consistently leads the way.

“Capella Healthcare reinvests 100 percent of its net cash flow back into its hospitals, which ultimately builds better health care for the community,” said Jerry Mabry, president of Capella Healthcare’s Arkansas Market. “Our current expansion project doubles the capacity of the existing emergency department and adds a stand-alone cardiology center of excellence featuring the latest technology in one location for all the hospital’s advanced heart care services.”
Capella Healthcare has been an excellent partner for us, Jerry Mabry, president of Capella Healthcare’s Arkansas Market said. “They’ve brought additional vision to the market and supported the vision through capital investments, this expansion being a prime example. We are truly regionalizing heart care, and this will enable us to serve others far beyond the boundaries of our primary service area.”
Joe Dierks, chairman of the NPMC Board of Directors and CEO of Greenleaf Financial, said the hospital’s leadership team, physicians, staff and board of trustees have committed to continuously increasing the health care services and specialists available in the Hot Springs area.
“Having served on the board for many years, I’m proud of the progress and improvements National Park Medical Center continues to make in the health care climate of Hot Springs. Those who have had the opportunity to receive care at this hospital know they live their slogan, ‘Caring Comes First, Always.’ The level of individualized care and dedication to each individual patient’s well-being really sets this facility apart. They always put the patient first,” Dierks said.
General surgeon and NPMC Chief of Staff Robert Breving says it’s exciting being part of the NPMC family. “We are expanding while other hospitals are reducing services or closing their doors. We’re adding on to our facility, recruiting new physicians, and creating jobs for Arkansans,” he said. To read more about the expansion project and see architectural renderings, visit their website at
Obviously, growth isn’t this hospital’s only goal. In fact, their astounding growth may very well be the result of the fact that they are focused on achieving excellence in all they do. They’ve been recognized with Capella Healthcare’s “Top Performance” award in numerous years, earning the STAR Award in recognition of outstanding achievement across the company’s five pillars: Quality, Service, People, Growth and Finance. Included in those areas are the hospital’s scores in quality core measures, patient satisfaction, employee satisfaction, physician satisfaction and financial stability.
“Our growth goals are accomplished with balance as we focus on the five pillars of excellence,” Mabry explained. “Key to our success year after year is consistency in application of the five pillars. It is a daily exercise, but we know that what we do today makes a difference in who we are a year from now.”

The AHA Sweethearts are a group of high school sophomores and juniors who make a commitment to learn about cardiovascular disease and lead healthy lifestyles by participating in numerous heart healthy activities over a four-month period.
“Capella has the right focus on the five pillars and on the importance of balance. And they have a community-based philosophy in the administration of their hospitals; it’s a decentralized management philosophy. They are there to support us and to provide a way for us to capitalize projects and purchase new equipment.”
Outstanding Community Service
National Park Medical Center is also known for their community service. In fact, in 2014 they were honored as “Large Business of the Year” by the Greater Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce. Also in 2014, the American Cancer Society recognized them as the top fundraiser for Relay for Life in the Central Arkansas Region.

The hospital also holds a weekly devotional service each Wednesday in the in-house chapel which seats more than 40 people.
Additionally, for 10 years now, National Park Medical Center has sponsored the American Heart Association’s annual Sweetheart program in conjunction with the Heart Ball. The hospital also holds a weekly devotional service each Wednesday in the in-house chapel which seats more than 40 people. They partner with multiple pastors and faith leaders in the community to provide this service, and it is live-streamed into all patient rooms for their viewing as well.
“I’m extremely proud of way our staff responds to the community and local needs,” Mabry said. “Capella Healthcare promotes the kind of culture where we are good citizens in our communities.”
Not only is National Park Medical Center expanding the outstanding care it provides and providing valuable community service, it’s one of the region’s largest employers and tax payers.