Winners named in Fourth annual Capella Communities Photography Contest
Winners have been announced in the Fourth annual Capella Communities Photography Contest. Photos from Arkansas took the top prize in all three categories, but photos from five other states also won awards. More than 230 photos were received from seven communities, with 22 prizes being awarded.
Capella Healthcare associates are invited each year to share their vision of the world by entering the photo contest which is open to employees, volunteers and medical staff members. “The judges had a very difficult time choosing from among so many wonderful photos this year,” said Beth B. Wright, Vice-President of Corporate Communities and Strategic Marketing. “The winning photos will be featured on Capella’s Twitter site (@CapellaHealth) throughout the spring as well as on the website and in print materials throughout the year,” she said.
Photos were submitted in the following three categories:
- Purpose – Photos showings how the people of the community care for their friends, their family or those less fortunate.
- Places – Landscapes, geological or climate features, events or activities… photos of places that capture the essence or uniqueness of the community.
- People – Photos that show individuals from all walks of life, including families at play, people volunteering, the diversity that makes the community special.
The winning photos included:
The winning photos will be featured on Capella’s Twitter site (@CapellaHealth) throughout March, as well as on the website and in print materials throughout the year.
Click the image below to see all the winners!
Winners Announced in Capella Communities Photography Contest
Winning photographs have been selected in the Third Annual Capella Communities Photography Contest.
More than 100 photos were entered in the 2013 Contest! Click the image below to see all the winners!
Congratulations to the following associates:
2012 Capella Communities Photography Contest
Winning photographs have been selected in the Second Annual Capella Communities Photography Contest.
Thank you to the 46 individuals from 13 communities who entered 356 photos!
Because there were so many outstanding photos submitted, the number of awards was increased.
Congratulations to the following associates:
Category: PLACES
1st Place – Carrington Sedgwick, Capital Medical Center
2nd Place (TIE) – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
2nd Place (TIE) – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
3rd Place – Mary Smith, National Park Medical Center
4th Place – Lea Statler, Southwestern Regional Medical Center
5th Place (TIE) – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
5th Place (TIE) – Mary Smith, National Park Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Amy English, Southwestern Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Jennifer Thorn, Mineral Area Regional Medical Center

1st Place
Category: PEOPLE
1st Place – Jamie Lawson, Grandview Medical Center
2nd Place – Amy Box, EASTAR Health System (Muskogee)
3rd Place – Katrina Wheeler, National Park Medical Center
4th Place – Katrina Wheeler, National Park Medical Center
5th Place – Cydney Brown, Grandview Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Monica Baxter, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Sandra Culliver, National Park Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Chris Fullen, Capella corporate office
Honorable Mention – Lea Statler, Southwestern Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Steven Singleton, Willamette Valley Medical Center

1st Place
Category: PURPOSE
1st Place – Tricia Bentley, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
2nd Place – Amanda Robbins, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
3rd Place (TIE) – Dustan Osborn, Capital Medical Center
3rd Place (TIE) – Tina Welchman, National Park Medical Center
4th Place – Tina Welchman, National Park Medical Center
5th Place – Tina Welchman, National Park Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Amanda Robbins, National Park Medical Center
Honorable Mention – Monica Scott, National Park Medical Center

1st Place
How are Capella Healthcare’s hospitals doing in the vital area of employee satisfaction? The chart below shows our tremendous progress as a company in overall employee satisfaction. While there will always be opportunities for improvement, the organization as a whole has made outstanding progress, thanks to everyone working together to make our hospitals a “best place” to work.
Results for the newest annual employee survey have recently been compiled and each hospital is in the process of communicating results and creating action plans to address opportunities. There was an overall participation rate of 73%, which is impressive though not quite as high as last year’s 85% rate.
Congratulations to the hospitals with the highest levels of participation:
91% Jacksonville Medical Center (Jacksonville, AL)
82% Grandview Medical Center (Jasper, TN)
82% National Park Medical Center (Hot Springs, AR)
78% Muskogee Regional Medical Center (Muskogee, OK)
76% Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center (Russellville, AR)
76% Southwestern Medical Center (Lawton, OK)
76% Stones River Hospital (Woodbury, TN)
The hospital scoring the highest in overall satisfaction – AGAIN – is Jacksonville Medical Center. JMC has also been named for the second consecutive year to Modern’s Healthcare’s “Best Places to Work in Healthcare” listing. It is one of only two organizations in Alabama to make the prestigious listing this year, which recognizes 100 “outstanding” health care employers, including hospitals, physician practices, insurers, suppliers, and consulting groups. Both years, JMC has ranked in the top 25. Read More >>
Winners Announced in 2011 Photography Contest
Winning photographs have been selected in the First Annual Capella Communities Photography Contest. Thank you to the 22 individuals from 10 hospitals who entered 139 photos! Because there were so many outstanding photos, the number of awards being presented was increased.
Congratulations to the following employees and physicians:
Category: PLACES
- 1st Place: Tina Welchman, Admissions Rep, National Park Medical Center
- 2nd Place: Amy Box, Director of HIM, Muskogee Regional Medical Center
- 3rd Place: Tina Welchman, Admissions Rep, National Park Medical Center
- 4th Place: Dr. C.E. Fougerousse, Psychiatrist, Southwestern Medical Center
- 5th Place: Tina Welchman, Admissions Rep, National Park Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Amy Box, Director of HIM, Muskogee Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Amy Box, Director of HIM, Muskogee Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Dr. C.E. Fougerousse, Psychiatrist, Southwestern Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Dr. C.E. Fougerousse, Psychiatrist, Southwestern Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Jamie Lawson, Director of Marketing, Grandview Medical Center
Category: PEOPLE
- 1st Place: Monica Baxter, Infection Control Nurse, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
- 2nd Place: Jamie Lawson, Director of Marketing, Grandview Medical Center
- 3rd Place: Stacy Dudark, Unit Supervisor, Southwestern Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Monica Baxter, Infection Control Nurse, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Stacy Dudark, Unit Supervisor, Southwestern Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Jamie Lawson, Director of Marketing, Grandview Medical Center
Category: PURPOSE
- 1st Place: Tina Welchman, Admissions Rep, National Park Medical Center
- 2nd Place: Jamie Lawson, Director of Marketing, Grandview Medical Center
- 3rd Place-TIE: Amy Box, Director of HIM, Muskogee Regional Medical Center
- 3rd Place-TIE: Stacy Dudark, Unit Supervisor, Southwestern Medical Center
Honorable Mention: Monica Baxter, Infection Control Nurse, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center